Dec 21, 2010


Facebook Founder Visit Baidu Office in China

  • Dec 21, 2010
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  • The chief executive officer and co-founder of Facebook website has been met with the top search engine Baidu in China.

    A spokesman for the search engine said Mark Zuckerberg and Robin Li, Chief of Baidu Search Engine has been given company tour to Facebook Founder in Beijing on Monday and had lunch together.

    China censors Internet content it deems politically sensitive and blocks many websites, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.  The country's Internet censorship is among the toughest in the world, with some critics dubbing the policy as the "Great Firewall."

    Zuckerberg said to the audience that he is interested in doing business in China. 

    "How can you connect the whole world if you leave out 1.6 billion people?"
    Chinese government said at least 380 million of its citizens have access to the Internet and that it plans to boost that number to nearly half of its population during the next five years.

    With 500 million users globally, if Facebook was a country, it would be the world's third most populous after China and India.

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