Mar 1, 2011


The Administration Closer to The People

  • Mar 1, 2011
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  • Cambodia is engaging in decentralization and deconcentration as the revolution process because in various countries, decentralization and deconcentration introduced when central power was so strong. But in Cambodia do not pass this period, after our country has passed along time with civil war, the royal government had committed to transfer and delegate some powers to local government without waiting for central power be strong. This is certify that the strong commitment and courage of royal government to strengthen the democratic and rule of law in Cambodia.

    Royal government has moved the public administration closer to the people through by technical decentralization implementation (Cambodia electricity company and Calmette Hospital) and territorial decentralization implementation after commune council 's elections. At the same time, deconcentration will go hands in hands with the government's decentralization effort to move public administration more closely to the people.

    Through by Governance Action Plan document, the RGC views that deconcentration of administrative functions and the means to provincial-municipality and district-khan level as a purpose to significantly build the capacity of provincial and district administrations. And then to improve of the efficiency of the service delivery at provincial and district level, and to support the commune councils in their work.

    Implementing the decentralization and deconcentration system at central province-municipality and district-khan level is wider work, and success will be achieved through by organization of various principal aspects. 

    Especially, policy and strategy formulation, legal regulations establishment, back- office reinforcement at province-municipality and district-khan level through by management tools creation and human resource development, financial and material resource organization, and coherence guaranty in regard with policy of other state reforms, decentralization in asset.
    The CAR will full fill actively with line ministries to organize the mayors and necessaries activities as below. 

    Component 1:
    Reinforcement of technical decentralization implementation in some sectors

    Component 2:
    Deconcentration policy and strategy formulation
    a -Principal basis of Deconcentration.
    b -Criteria to separate the competences and responsibilities of different levels.
    c- Redefinition: Role, functions and resource of the provinces-municipality and district-khan administration.
    d- Redefinition: Role of the provinces-municipality and district-khan governors.
    e- Assess and Determine the implementation phasing, appropriate to the available resource.

    Component 3:
    Preparation of draft legal regulations on deconcentration.

    Component 4: 

    Organization and reinforcement of back office at province-municipality and district-khan level.

    a- Organization of back-office procedure for 5 common process at province-municipality and district-khan level:
    Back-office: That are offices providing functions to support one institution to run and behind, to facilitate the front-office, to provide effective and high quality public service to people. All ministries and institutions have 5 common sections such as: Human Resource Management, Administration Management, Finance-Budget Management, Planing, and Inspection.
    Organizations of management tools in 5 common sections by based on clear, short, and simple are a strategy to achieve deconcentration process, and also are effective management tools.

    In this way, council for administrative reform decided that human resource rule and procedure with deconcentration principle manner is necessary and urgent work because: 
    (i).census of civil servant had been completed. 
    (ii). use the result of functional analysis as the input (functional analysis founded 19 process of human resource management standard: recruitment into civil service card, civil servant appointed ).
    (iii). clear and short procedure will set up in information technology to strictly menage, well distribute, and develop the human resource. Rule and procedure with deconcentration principle manner of other 4 back-office sections will set up sequence.

    b -Training the staff in back office.

    Component 5:
    Reinforce the front office at province and district to provide the public service to the people.
    -Front-office: That is office to run the mayor activities of ministries and provide directly public service to the people: front-port, hospital, school …Functional analysis by each public service is required to strengthen the front-office;
    -Deconcentrate the selected responsibilities to strengthen the capacity of front office in the delivery of basis public service (health, education, agriculture, and the others social services). And deconcentrate the priority services to facilitate exercise of rights and obligations as citizens (permits, licenses, public registry);
    -All procedures and implementation relating to public service will be set up in information technology.

    Component 6: Introduction of One Window Service Delivery for administrative public service.
    Introduction of one window service will facilitate the people to access to the public service and inevitably solution to enhance the transparency and reduce the irregular cases.

    Component 7: Monitoring and Coordination mechanism.
    Inter-ministerial working group coordinating by car and working group of 10 ministries had been established. By doing so council for administration reform had been play as active coordinator (for example, to collect the baseline relating to deconcentration and to set up a total list of public service, CAR is coordinating and catalyzing to own ministries teams to do fast and correctly). So deconcentration teams reinforcement by training and equipment is required to empower the mechanism to effectively full fill this mission.

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