Apr 29, 2011


What is Outsiders Poorer Rural Area?

  • Apr 29, 2011
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  • Outsiders are people concerned with rural development who are themselves neither rural nor poor. Many are headquarters and field staff of government organizations in the Third World. They included academic researchers, aid agency personnel, bankers, businessmen, consultants, doctors, engineering, journalists, lawyers, politicians, priests, school teachers, staff of training institution, workers in voluntary agencies, and other professional.

    We, the outsiders

    The extremes of rural poverty in the Third World are an outrage. The outrage is not just that avoidable deprivation, suffering and death are intolerable; it is also that these coexist with affluence. There are high rate of poverty in the Third World Nation, the prospects of future misery are so appalling, and present efforts to eliminate that misery are so inadequate, that numbers are almost irrelevant in seeing what to do next. There are so much need of the poor that we need to be assist. So much need to be done, so much more radically, that no estimates, however optimistic, could undermine the case for trying to do much more, much better and faster.

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